Über Cheka

Cheka Stand Cheka Stand


NAME: Ndoki Chandalou Cheka NAME: Ndoki Chandalou Cheka
WURFTAG: 13.08.2008 DATE OF BIRTH: August 13, 2008
GRÖSSE: 68,5 cm HEIGHT: 68,5 cm
GEWICHT: 43 kg WEIGHT: 43 kg
GEBISS: Vollzahniges Scherengebiss DENTURE: Full set of teeth, scissors bite
RÖNTGENERGEBNIS: HD: A1, ED 0/0, OCD frei TESTING RESULTS: Hips: A1, Ellbows 0/0, OCD free
FARBE: Sattes rotweizen,
weißer Brustfleck
COLOUR: Red wheaten,
a little white on the chest
ZUCHTZULASSUNG: Seit 27.03.2010 uneingeschränkte Zuchtzulassung in der DZRR

Selbstsicherheit: Ausgezeichnet
Temperament: Sehr gut
Führigkeit: Sehr gut
Schusstest: keine Reaktion

„In optimaler Kondition stehender maskuliner Rüde von freundlichem Verhalten.“ (P. Stracke)
BREEDING TEST: Passed breeding test (DZRR) in March 2010 without any restrictions

Self-confidence: excellent
Temperament: very good
Obedience: very good
Shot gun test: no reaction
SPERMIOGRAMM: Dr. Blendinger: Beste Qualität. SPERM ANALYSIS: Dr Blendinger: Good quality


Cheka was born on August 13 in the year 2008 as one of 12 puppies in the Ndoki Kennel of Claudia Körner in Taunusstein, Germany.
Cheka's mother is Mavunguela's Vuana, a very beautiful ridgeback from Susi Ubl's kennel in Austria. Vuana is Multi-Championesse and World-Champion 2006 amongst other titles. Cheka's father is the German Champion Matakima Ajani who was a very beautiful and expressive dog.

Cheka has become a delightful and elegant ridgeback who resembles both of his parents not only from the outside appearance. His colour is a warm red wheaten and he has a white spot on his breast. Chekas head is very expressive with a strong lower jaw. His bonedepth ist very good and he moves very elegantly.

Cheka is a very self-confident, friendly, sensible and full of type representative of his race with an open attitude. Inside the house, Cheka's behaviour is quiet and balanced, while he is a temperamental dog outside.

He is very sporty and and loves to run, so we often go jogging or use the bike or inline skates. Cheka is absolutely socially acceptable and he is compatible with all dog breeds. He is a quick learner, has a strong will to work and likes to learn new tricks or practice the already learned skills. The two of us are practicing agility since the year 2012. We are training once a week with the Flotten Pfoten Magdeburg and both have lots of fun doing this kind of sport. Furthermore Cheka loves search tasks - especially when they deal with snacks... We are constantly working on Cheka's hunting drive to ensure that it is and stays controllable.

Cheka is healthy, in top form and free from allergies.

He passed his breeding test in the German Breeder Community Rhodesian Ridgeback (DZRR) in the age of only 19 months without any restrictions.

Cheka is shown seldom, since this part is done by the breeder Claudia Körner. Although he has been Vice-World-Junior-Champion 2009 and reached different placements and claims since puppy class.


Matakima Ajani
VDH 05/109 4406
HD-A, OCD-frei ED-frei, DS:DD, rw,
Dt.J. Ch. (Klub)
Kuzonga’s Aurelijus
DKK 07592/2002
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, rw,
Rex Ventors Akeron
S 17363/98
HD-A, ED-frei, rw,
Nord.Ch., DK.Ch., Int.Ch., WS02, Schw.Ch., Fin.Ch.
Hunting Choir’s Issa
DKK 00199/99
HD-A, ED-frei, rw
Mairangi Fakima
VDH 02/109 2941
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, drw
Lionhunt Dayimane Umvuma
KUSA BQ012991
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, rw,
Int.Ch., Dt.Ch. (VDH)
Baganda Ijumaa
VDH 97/109 0785
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, drw
Mavunguela’s Vuana
VDH 07/109Ü5515
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, rw,
WS'06, Int.Ch., Dt.Ch.(VDH), Dt.Ch.(Klub), Öst.Ch., PL.Ch., Dt.J.Ch.(VDH), Dt.J.Ch.(Klub), Öst.Bsg.
Ngai Zamu of Ginba’s Hero
NHSB 2.395.721
HD-A, OCD-frei, ED-frei, rw,
NL.Ch., Int.Ch., B.Ch., Dt.Ch.(Klub), Crufts'06
Thokoza Azibo
NHSB 2.251.973
HD-A, rw
NHSB 2.251.403
HD-B, rw
Mavunguela’s Savimbi
HD-A, OCD-frei, Öst.Ch.
Danest Tjabo Letsatsi
KUSA BP009753
SHSB 564184
HD-A, ED-frei, rw,
Int.Ch., Dt.Ch. (Klub)
Mavunguela’s Pangani
HD-A, Öst.Ch
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